Ajay Gajjar

Ajay Gajjar

Ajay Gajjar

Active Year: 1989 to 1993

Mr Ajay Gajjar


Active Years: 1989 to 1993


Mr Ajay Gajjar was one of the most promising rally car driver of his time in Nashik City. He consistently participated in rally car races from 1989 to 1993 and won many titles in local and state level.


“My Love for motorsports started in 1976-77 after making a rally car for Mr Mahesh Pethe An Ambassador for HIMALAYAN CAR RALLY. After that rally, my interest and love for motorsports grew and I started racing in 1989.


His first rally was Nashik Automotive Sports Association’s NASA 500 held in Nashik 1989 he won two  trophies there one for overall runner-up in car Class  and also won title of "GHATACHA RAJA"


Rallies participation and placing:


NASA 500 rally 1989 - Overall runner-up in car Class & Won title "GHATACHA RAJA"

Castrol MASA rally Mumbai 1990 - Special trophy for riding Ambassador for 1200 kms

NASA 500 rally 1991- Finisher trophy

Castrol MASA rally Mumbai 1991- 2nd runner-up in Class N

Castrol NASA 500 rally Nashik 1992- FINISHER

Castrol MASA rally Mumbai 1993 - Trophy winning club team

Castrol NASA 500 rally held in nashik 1993

Overall runnerup.


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