Sudhindra Kulkarni

Sudhindra Kulkarni

Sudhindra Kulkarni

Active Year: 1977 to 1986

Mr Sudhindra Kulkarni


Active Years: 1977 to 1986.

Mr Sudhindra Kulkarni was a veteran motorbike racer from Nashik who was active from the 1977 to 1986. He was consistent in his races and was always in the leader chart till his last race.


“Speed delights and thrills me, therefore I like it. During those days I had heard that Vijay Waghchoure made the trip from Nashik to Saputara in just one and half hours approximately. That news got me interested in speed, and ever since then, I've been madly in love with bikes”, expresses Mr Kulkarni.


He was one of the most talked racer in his era with active years from 1977 to 1986. He was a local hero, used participate in local races which used be conducted by NARA/NASA. Participated and won in any many of the competition.


Rallies participation and placing:

Local Nashik to Bhandara (nearby area) 1977 -First position

Local Rally - 1978 - Second position

Sahyadri rally - 1983--- 2nd Position

Sahyadri Range (Pune to Pune 700 km) - year 1984 - 2nd Position

NASA MRF Rally 1985- 2nd position

Garberial Para Rally 1986- 3rd Position


Mr Kulkarni say’s that Mr  Dhananjay Wadnagare is his role model and by inspiring from him he got into racing. “Dhananjay Wadanagare is my role model, seeing his participation in rally fascinated me. That time I was young in my 20's, racing used to make me happy and proud. I'm not sure if riding a motorbike is my passion, but I enjoy racing them for fun”.

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