Late Hoshi Patel

Late Hoshi Patel

Late Hoshi Patel

Active Year: 1980 to 2001

Late Hoshi Patel


Active Years :  1980-2001


Around 34 years ago, some motorsports enthusiasts came together and formed

Nasik Automotive Sports Association, popularly known as NASA on 15 th January,


To name a few were Late Mr. Hoshi Patel, Late Mr. Pradeep Mhaskar, Late Mr. Vijay

Deshpande, Late Mr. Bhaskar Patwardhan, Mr. Dhananjay Vadnagare, Mr. Prashant

Gadkari, Mr. Rajendra Waghchoure, Mr. Rajesh Deshpande, Mr. Sudhindra Kulkarni,

Ravi & Kiran Waghchoure and many others.

Under the chairmanship of Late Mr Hoshi Patel, NASA started organising two wheeler and 4 wheeler

rallies in and around Nashik.

In fact, NASA became operational much before but completing the process of

Registering with FMSCI, a governing and controlling body for Motorsports in India and ;

Government authorities took place in 1989.

Late Mr. Hoshi Patel was the first Chairman of NASA. After him Late Mr. Bhaskar

Patwardhan took the reigns as Chairman & presently Mr. Ravi Waghchoure is the




HOSHI PATEL’s Career in Brief

- Participated in Himalayan Rally

- Won rally title in Ambassador

-  Active in organising and participating in many rallies

- Used speed bike 350

- NASA was founded by Hoshi Patel, Bhaskar Patwardhan, Dhananjay Vadnagare, Pradeep Mhaskar and others

- Many motorsports rallies organised by NASA

- Participated in Himalaya Rally on Yamaha two to three times

- Proficiency in both bike and car races

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