Yash Pawar

Yash Pawar

Yash Pawar

Active Year: 2011 to Still Active

Yash Pawar


Active Years: 2011 to Still Active

Watching my dad and getting inspired from him, I started riding from the age seven. I participated in more than 300 National events across India; including Dirt track, supercross , motocross’s, cross county rally, enduro and flat track racing and Races internationally.

I won my first race in the year 2011.

I won my first national championship in the year 2014

More then 150+ podium

Multiple time national runner up

I represented team TVS Racing for years 5 years

I retired from professional racing in the year due to a major injury

“Watching my dad and getting inspired from him, I started riding from the age seven.”



  • Under-14 National Champion- 2014
  • National Champion Runner-Up -2015,16,17,18
  • Ex Hero Factory Racing Team (2014)
  • Ex TVS Factory Racing Team
  • Multiple time state champion
  • Youngest rider in Raid de Himalayas, considered among the world's toughest top 10 cross country rally.
  • Represented India in international race held at Sri Lanka.
  • 2018 Pune Invitational SX2 champion. Made the team win with maximum points.


Training Experience

  • Training riders from two year for Enduro, Dirt Track and Super-Cross track
  • Working with Royal Enfield×Autologue as trainer for Slide School Flat Track
  • Official Royal Enfield Training India

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