Paritosh Kohok

Paritosh Kohok

Paritosh Kohok

Active Year: 1995 - 2008

Paritosh Kohok


Active Years - 1995-2008


Started in young age I grews with my fellow riders. The most valuable and life time achievement events for me are

1 2008 national group D motorcycle champion in which I won 6 rallies securing 1st position out of  7 rallies

2 . Finishing 1800km of Baja Rally Mexico by 7 riders in 43hrs which is world’s most toughest event


Championship won

1. 1995national navigator champion group D bikes 

2 1998group D national champion 

3 2003 group N cars national navigator champion 

4 2006 group N cars national navigators champion 

Also have one Extrem events like Desert storm n Raid de Himalayan as a navigator

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