Yuvraj Pawar

Yuvraj Pawar

Yuvraj Pawar

Active Year: 1992 to 2000

Yuvraj Pawar

Active Years: 1992- 2000

Yuvraj Pawar, a rider from Nashik was prominent motosports player who played between 1992 to 2000. His talent was recognised at the very first race of his life and was awarded with debutant trophy. He won the Monsson Rally of Nashik Automotive Sports Association three times. 

- Started Rally in 1992 . Won the New Comer Trophy

- 1995 National Champion Group D . 1996 Runner Up . I was Sponsored by MRF

- 2000 year won the Fiero Rally . Was sponsored by Suzuki . Bike Fiero

- Nasa Monsoon Rally Winner . Hattrick

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