Rajesh Deshpande

Rajesh Deshpande

Rajesh Deshpande

Active Year: 1980 to 1992

Rajesh Deshpande

1980 to 1992


In the year 1966 dad started driving school in Nashik. After that we were always around vehicles cars bikes, autos and even heavy vehicles. When I was just 7 or 8 we started riding bikes motorsports 1979. My elder brother started in 1979 and getting inspired from him I started in 1980.  For 2 years we participated with our own expenses. Slowly we begin winning and people started recognising us and our rankings improved.


In the year 1982, we after wining  a championship in Pune we won spare parts from the Escorts company. Soon, we started getting spareparts for free. After that the winning spree continued and we started getting sponsorships. First we get bikes to race with then we got 100 percent sponsorship, then travelling additional, accommodation and soon we were representing the companies like Escorts and Yamaha.


In 1985 we went to Japan to represent the company there and for advance training. From the year 1980 1988 we were champions in every race we participated. We also participated in hill climb race, rallies and road races.



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