Shrirang Macche

Shrirang Macche

Shrirang Macche

Active Year: 1980- Still Active

Shrirang Macche

Active Years: 1980- Still Active


I was attracted to motorsports may be since I was 22 years old and the reason could be the thrill and speeds and when I watched the 1st London Sydney Rally which passed Mumbai.


Basically I am not a regular entrant in motor sports but more into organisation. I had helped the 1st Himalayan Rally which passed Nashik and then I was part of the 1st Motor sports club formed in 1979. Right from beginning I used to be the Secretary of the meet and used to help in planning and organising the events.


Thereafter since I knew all the rules and regulations I was deputed for National 2 wheeler and 4 wheeler events as the Chief Steward or as Chief Scrutineers. I was also part of various clubs such as NASA, MASA, PCRT Delhi and a club from Kolkata as their Secretary of the event or Competitor's Relations Officer.


Further I was also incharge of forming of 2 wheeler technical regulations for the FMSCI the governing body of India and have conducted many seminars and exams of 2 wheeler technical regulations. I was also the part of of the organisation who had introduced and conducted the Stage Rallies in India and then we were the pioneers of such events.


I had entered in few 2 wheeler speed events as navigator and have entered in TSD rallies. In a TSD event organised by WISA I was 2nd in CAR Category and the name of the event was EXIDE TSD Rally

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