Prashant Gadkari

Prashant Gadkari

Prashant Gadkari

Active Year: 1981 to 1989

Prashant Gadkari

Active Years: 1981 to 1989

Prashant Gadkari, is a name recognised for his contribution to grow the automotive sports in Nashik by being a coordinator and serving on various positions at motorsports associations.


Since, childhood he was curious and interested in motor cars and motor bikes. In 1980 during international rally, he worked worked as 'Marshall' and in 1981, he was a part of 'Service Team' of Nashik Riders who participated In Mumbai event. It was since then he cultivated interest in motorsports and his curiosity led him to become a prominent personality in Nashik’s automotive history.


Mr Prashant Gadkari Shares that, “As a motor rider my first event was with late Pradeep Mhaskar. It was in the year 1987 when I took part in Maharashtra Automotive Sports Association’s (MASA) MANSOON RALLY, MUMBAI (1987), unfortunately, we lose the event only by 15 seconds.”


He is one of the founder member of Nashik Automative Sports Association (NASA), which was established in 1987 and registered in 1989. For NASA he worked as 'CLERK OF THE COURSE (COC) (an official who acts as executive secretary to the track athletics) and SECRETARY for many events organised by NASA.

He is the senior most STEWARD (person who coordinates race events) for Federation of Motor Sports Club of India (FMSCI).


Rallies participation and placing:

MASA MANSOON RALLY N-INDIA -1987 - 1st prize – Team, Late Mr Pradeep Mhaskar and Prashant Gadkari -

MASA SUMMER RALLY - 1988 - 2nd prize -  Team, Prashant Gadkari and Sanjay Bego.


Mr Gadkari says that he considers Shrirang Machhe (Pandu Kaka), Late Hoshi Patel, Dhananjay Vadnagare and Late Pradeep Mhaskar as his Mentors. Getting inspired from them he became a part of the Nashik’s automotive sports journey.

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